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Tips to Make Your Resolution Creative and Attainable

By Leah Brignall

Its almost New Year’s Eve, have you decided on a resolution? Maybe you have a popular resolution like exercising more or eating healthy foods. Do you seem to have the same resolution year after year but you have a hard time sticking to it? This year consider these tips for a better chance at a successful resolution.

  1. Pick a resolution that is outside the box.
    Like I said before, many people seem to choose the same goals. While being healthy is a great idea, maybe this year you can focus on emotional health instead. Your resolution could be along the lines of:
    -Be more kind 
    -Be happy
    -Conquer my fears
    -Deepen my friendships
  2. Make your goal attainable and meaningful.
    It is important to pick something that you can actually accomplish. If you never cook at home, maybe your goal shouldn’t be to cook every meal at home. If you start off with a goal that is overwhelming you will be less likely to actually do it. A more achievable goal might be to cook at home three days a week. This would allow you to slowly incorporate this into your life while also giving you a feeling of accomplishment and pride.
  3. Come up with a way to measure your progress.
    When looking at the uniques resolutions above you might wonder how you would even go about doing those things. The tasks associated with each of these resolutions would be unique to everyone. Lets take them one at a time.
    -Be more kind.
    For this resolution you could give one compliment a day, donate food once a month, send a thank you note once a month, smile at a stranger every day, post something positive on social media once a week, or a combination of these things.
    -Be happy.
    If being kind makes you happy, do something from above. Some other ideas would be to take 5 minutes of “me time” each day, practice a favorite hobby every other week, or finally seek help from a professional for something that has been making you feel down.
    -Conquer my fears.
    Obviously with this one (and the others) make sure you are being safe and taking care of yourself. That being said, it is healthy to take risks sometimes. This could mean taking on a challenge once a month that you have been nervous about, or saying “yes” to an invitation that might normally pass up. Ask for that promotion or first date! You will never know what can happen if you face your fears.
    -Deepen my friendships.
    Some ideas to accomplish this could be to send a thank you note, host a dinner party, find new friends to meet, call someone you haven’t talked to lately, go out to lunch with a family member, or be honest with your feelings! Decide how often you want to challenge yourself in some way.
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Biltmore Psychology and Counseling

Biltmore Psychology and Counseling is the practice of the top psychology and counseling professionals in the Phoenix area. We provide exceptional, holistic psychology and counseling services for every person to help them live an extraordinary life.

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Tips to Make Your Resolution Creative and Attainable

By Leah Brignall

Its almost New Year’s Eve, have you decided on a resolution? Maybe you have a popular resolution like exercising more or eating healthy foods. Do you seem to have the same resolution year after year but you have a hard time sticking to it? This year consider these tips for a better chance at a successful resolution.

  1. Pick a resolution that is outside the box.
    Like I said before, many people seem to choose the same goals. While being healthy is a great idea, maybe this year you can focus on emotional health instead. Your resolution could be along the lines of:
    -Be more kind 
    -Be happy
    -Conquer my fears
    -Deepen my friendships
  2. Make your goal attainable and meaningful.
    It is important to pick something that you can actually accomplish. If you never cook at home, maybe your goal shouldn’t be to cook every meal at home. If you start off with a goal that is overwhelming you will be less likely to actually do it. A more achievable goal might be to cook at home three days a week. This would allow you to slowly incorporate this into your life while also giving you a feeling of accomplishment and pride.
  3. Come up with a way to measure your progress.
    When looking at the uniques resolutions above you might wonder how you would even go about doing those things. The tasks associated with each of these resolutions would be unique to everyone. Lets take them one at a time.
    -Be more kind.
    For this resolution you could give one compliment a day, donate food once a month, send a thank you note once a month, smile at a stranger every day, post something positive on social media once a week, or a combination of these things.
    -Be happy.
    If being kind makes you happy, do something from above. Some other ideas would be to take 5 minutes of “me time” each day, practice a favorite hobby every other week, or finally seek help from a professional for something that has been making you feel down.
    -Conquer my fears.
    Obviously with this one (and the others) make sure you are being safe and taking care of yourself. That being said, it is healthy to take risks sometimes. This could mean taking on a challenge once a month that you have been nervous about, or saying “yes” to an invitation that might normally pass up. Ask for that promotion or first date! You will never know what can happen if you face your fears.
    -Deepen my friendships.
    Some ideas to accomplish this could be to send a thank you note, host a dinner party, find new friends to meet, call someone you haven’t talked to lately, go out to lunch with a family member, or be honest with your feelings! Decide how often you want to challenge yourself in some way.
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Biltmore Psychology and Counseling

Biltmore Psychology and Counseling is the practice of the top psychology and counseling professionals in the Phoenix area. We provide exceptional, holistic psychology and counseling services for every person to help them live an extraordinary life.

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