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Book Recommendation: Helping Children Cope with Loss

Stack of colorful books

By Leah Brignall

It can be very difficult to help children cope with and understand loss and death. Separation from loved ones can be frightening for them. The book The Invisible String, by Patrice Karst is a great tool to help children feel comfort. The book explains that there is an invisible sting that helps connect loved ones even when they are not near. Not only can this apply to death, it could also help a child who has a loved one move or deploy, or who has fear of being without a parent. Having a book like this can help start a conversation to help the child feel safe. For further help, it doesn’t hurt to see a counselor and get some parenting support. 

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Biltmore Psychology and Counseling

Biltmore Psychology and Counseling is the practice of the top psychology and counseling professionals in the Phoenix area. We provide exceptional, holistic psychology and counseling services for every person to help them live an extraordinary life.

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Book Recommendation: Helping Children Cope with Loss

Stack of colorful books

By Leah Brignall

It can be very difficult to help children cope with and understand loss and death. Separation from loved ones can be frightening for them. The book The Invisible String, by Patrice Karst is a great tool to help children feel comfort. The book explains that there is an invisible sting that helps connect loved ones even when they are not near. Not only can this apply to death, it could also help a child who has a loved one move or deploy, or who has fear of being without a parent. Having a book like this can help start a conversation to help the child feel safe. For further help, it doesn’t hurt to see a counselor and get some parenting support. 

Picture of Biltmore Psychology and Counseling

Biltmore Psychology and Counseling

Biltmore Psychology and Counseling is the practice of the top psychology and counseling professionals in the Phoenix area. We provide exceptional, holistic psychology and counseling services for every person to help them live an extraordinary life.

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