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Bad Luck or Psychological Reversal?

Black and white photo wit woman holding a calendar with Friday the 13th highlighted and she is crossing her fingers.

Today is Friday the 13th, are you superstitious? A lot of us seem to have belief in bad luck, karma, or superstitions that can drive our personality and behaviors. Have you ever thought you have perpetual bad luck? It doesn’t matter what you do, but somehow terrible situations seem to always find you?

Psychological reversal is a subconscious condition of self sabotage. So instead of making well thought out constructive decisions, you seem to make decisions that will only bring you unhappiness and misery.

Does it seem like everything is going really well, and then somehow you make one decision that brings it all crashing down? This could be psychological reversal. If you feel uncomfortable or uneasy when things are going your way, or good things are happening to you, you might start to feel like your expectations are getting too high. Nobody wants to get let down or not have certain decisions that do not meet their high expectations. So instead of letting the situation play out on it’s own, someone who engages in psychological reversal will subconsciously sabotage the situation in order to have control over the expectation level. By self sabotaging, the person knows they will be disappointed and miserable, and this gives them a sense of control rather than not knowing if something will disappoint them or uplift them.

Is there anything that can be done for Psychological Reversal? According to Dale Petterson an Energy Therapist, he uses muscle kinesiology as a way to treat clients who are so focused on the miserable outcomes.

In an article on Psychology Today by Susan Heitler Ph.D;

‘Muscle kinesiology works a lot like how a lie detector test works. The client’s arm serves as a lever that amplifies the slight physical changes that indicate a stress response.’

To read more about the way Dale Petterson uses this technique to help psychological reversal, check out the article over on Psychology Today! 

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Biltmore Psychology and Counseling

Biltmore Psychology and Counseling is the practice of the top psychology and counseling professionals in the Phoenix area. We provide exceptional, holistic psychology and counseling services for every person to help them live an extraordinary life.

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Bad Luck or Psychological Reversal?

Black and white photo wit woman holding a calendar with Friday the 13th highlighted and she is crossing her fingers.

Today is Friday the 13th, are you superstitious? A lot of us seem to have belief in bad luck, karma, or superstitions that can drive our personality and behaviors. Have you ever thought you have perpetual bad luck? It doesn’t matter what you do, but somehow terrible situations seem to always find you?

Psychological reversal is a subconscious condition of self sabotage. So instead of making well thought out constructive decisions, you seem to make decisions that will only bring you unhappiness and misery.

Does it seem like everything is going really well, and then somehow you make one decision that brings it all crashing down? This could be psychological reversal. If you feel uncomfortable or uneasy when things are going your way, or good things are happening to you, you might start to feel like your expectations are getting too high. Nobody wants to get let down or not have certain decisions that do not meet their high expectations. So instead of letting the situation play out on it’s own, someone who engages in psychological reversal will subconsciously sabotage the situation in order to have control over the expectation level. By self sabotaging, the person knows they will be disappointed and miserable, and this gives them a sense of control rather than not knowing if something will disappoint them or uplift them.

Is there anything that can be done for Psychological Reversal? According to Dale Petterson an Energy Therapist, he uses muscle kinesiology as a way to treat clients who are so focused on the miserable outcomes.

In an article on Psychology Today by Susan Heitler Ph.D;

‘Muscle kinesiology works a lot like how a lie detector test works. The client’s arm serves as a lever that amplifies the slight physical changes that indicate a stress response.’

To read more about the way Dale Petterson uses this technique to help psychological reversal, check out the article over on Psychology Today! 

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Biltmore Psychology and Counseling

Biltmore Psychology and Counseling is the practice of the top psychology and counseling professionals in the Phoenix area. We provide exceptional, holistic psychology and counseling services for every person to help them live an extraordinary life.

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