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Post Holiday Blues-Why do I feel so down?

Post Holiday blues after going back to work.

The holidays are over, and it’s the first week of the new year. Feeling a little blue? You’re not alone.

It is easy to feel let down, depressed, anxious, and sad after the holidays. We tend to be on the go from October-December, while our schedules get filled with friends, family and parties to attend.

Our social calendars go from booked to blank.

So when our social calendars go from booked to blank, it can start to feel a little lonely. Scheduling yourself a coffee date with a friend, or a new workout class at the end of the month can be a good strategy to lift your spirits.

We usually spend the holidays with family, and sometimes with family we do not see on a regular basis. Whether you have a great relationship with your family, or a strained relationship, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by your them during the holidays.

Family can be overwhelming.

You might have unresolved issues with a family member, or be unhappy with something they said to you over the break. Whatever it is, family can be a big source of let down after the season is over.

During the holidays you tend to think more of loved ones that are no longer here. It can be difficult to be swept back into the sadness and grief of losing a loved one.

January is cold and dark!

The weather is also a factor in the post holiday blues. January is one of the coldest months, no matter where you live. It is darker longer, and people tend to stay inside more often.

When you travel for the holidays, you are bound to catch a cold with the amount of people you come in contact with. After the hype of the holidays have died down, your body sometimes react with getting sick and the fatigue can set in.

Thanksgiving and Christmas can be filled with foods that you wouldn’t normally eat. There are cookies and sweets everywhere, and getting back on a regular and healthier eating pattern can be tough after the holidays.

The holidays can be a let down.

I think the biggest thing that can contribute to post holidays blues, is being disappointed in how your holiday went. We always have these grandiose ideas of what the holidays should look like, and they don’t often live up to the hype.

All of this is to say that you are not alone in feeling blue in January. There are a number of factors that can contribute to feelings of let down and sadness. The important thing is to re-develop your routine with lots of things that make you feel happy.

Things to do in January:

  1. Kick start a new exercise goal, or join a new exercise class
  2. Make plans with friends towards the end of the month so you have something to look forward to
  3. Start a journal
  4. Try a new restaurant
  5. Go to a movie, or a museum
  6. Start planning a trip for sometime later in the year
  7. Finally tackle that project you’ve been putting off in the house for weeks
  8. Learn to cook a new dish, or take a cooking class


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Biltmore Psychology and Counseling

Biltmore Psychology and Counseling is the practice of the top psychology and counseling professionals in the Phoenix area. We provide exceptional, holistic psychology and counseling services for every person to help them live an extraordinary life.

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Post Holiday Blues-Why do I feel so down?

Post Holiday blues after going back to work.

The holidays are over, and it’s the first week of the new year. Feeling a little blue? You’re not alone.

It is easy to feel let down, depressed, anxious, and sad after the holidays. We tend to be on the go from October-December, while our schedules get filled with friends, family and parties to attend.

Our social calendars go from booked to blank.

So when our social calendars go from booked to blank, it can start to feel a little lonely. Scheduling yourself a coffee date with a friend, or a new workout class at the end of the month can be a good strategy to lift your spirits.

We usually spend the holidays with family, and sometimes with family we do not see on a regular basis. Whether you have a great relationship with your family, or a strained relationship, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by your them during the holidays.

Family can be overwhelming.

You might have unresolved issues with a family member, or be unhappy with something they said to you over the break. Whatever it is, family can be a big source of let down after the season is over.

During the holidays you tend to think more of loved ones that are no longer here. It can be difficult to be swept back into the sadness and grief of losing a loved one.

January is cold and dark!

The weather is also a factor in the post holiday blues. January is one of the coldest months, no matter where you live. It is darker longer, and people tend to stay inside more often.

When you travel for the holidays, you are bound to catch a cold with the amount of people you come in contact with. After the hype of the holidays have died down, your body sometimes react with getting sick and the fatigue can set in.

Thanksgiving and Christmas can be filled with foods that you wouldn’t normally eat. There are cookies and sweets everywhere, and getting back on a regular and healthier eating pattern can be tough after the holidays.

The holidays can be a let down.

I think the biggest thing that can contribute to post holidays blues, is being disappointed in how your holiday went. We always have these grandiose ideas of what the holidays should look like, and they don’t often live up to the hype.

All of this is to say that you are not alone in feeling blue in January. There are a number of factors that can contribute to feelings of let down and sadness. The important thing is to re-develop your routine with lots of things that make you feel happy.

Things to do in January:

  1. Kick start a new exercise goal, or join a new exercise class
  2. Make plans with friends towards the end of the month so you have something to look forward to
  3. Start a journal
  4. Try a new restaurant
  5. Go to a movie, or a museum
  6. Start planning a trip for sometime later in the year
  7. Finally tackle that project you’ve been putting off in the house for weeks
  8. Learn to cook a new dish, or take a cooking class


Picture of Biltmore Psychology and Counseling

Biltmore Psychology and Counseling

Biltmore Psychology and Counseling is the practice of the top psychology and counseling professionals in the Phoenix area. We provide exceptional, holistic psychology and counseling services for every person to help them live an extraordinary life.

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