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Here are 10 tips for a successful job interview!

Male looking at a resume of a young woman sitting in front of him

Have you ever gone on a job interview and walked out cringing at your performance? I think we all have had an interview or two (or 10!) where we just did not convey our best selves.

Interviewing for a job is always nerve racking, regardless of your experience for the job. However it seems that some people are just better at interviewing than others. Sometimes a person will look like they have it all together based on their cover letter and resume, and then not present well to the interviewer. Or vice verse. Sometimes a resume and cover letter could be better, but the person presents themselves very confidently.

Can interviewing be learned? The answer to that question is yes. It is something that comes with practice, but can definitely be improved. According to Thomas Hills Ph.D and his article over on Psychology Today, he has 10 top tips for nailing that job interview. 

  1. Focus on the positive
  2. Be Profressional
  3. Know why you want the job
  4. Create Alternatives
  5. Practice, Practice, Practice
  6. Do your research on the job and the organization
  7. Know what you have to offer
  8. Ask questions
  9. Take your time
  10. Leave them wanting more

If you want to read more about these top 10 tips, head on over to the article here!

What do you have trouble with when interviewing?

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Biltmore Psychology and Counseling

Biltmore Psychology and Counseling is the practice of the top psychology and counseling professionals in the Phoenix area. We provide exceptional, holistic psychology and counseling services for every person to help them live an extraordinary life.

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Here are 10 tips for a successful job interview!

Male looking at a resume of a young woman sitting in front of him

Have you ever gone on a job interview and walked out cringing at your performance? I think we all have had an interview or two (or 10!) where we just did not convey our best selves.

Interviewing for a job is always nerve racking, regardless of your experience for the job. However it seems that some people are just better at interviewing than others. Sometimes a person will look like they have it all together based on their cover letter and resume, and then not present well to the interviewer. Or vice verse. Sometimes a resume and cover letter could be better, but the person presents themselves very confidently.

Can interviewing be learned? The answer to that question is yes. It is something that comes with practice, but can definitely be improved. According to Thomas Hills Ph.D and his article over on Psychology Today, he has 10 top tips for nailing that job interview. 

  1. Focus on the positive
  2. Be Profressional
  3. Know why you want the job
  4. Create Alternatives
  5. Practice, Practice, Practice
  6. Do your research on the job and the organization
  7. Know what you have to offer
  8. Ask questions
  9. Take your time
  10. Leave them wanting more

If you want to read more about these top 10 tips, head on over to the article here!

What do you have trouble with when interviewing?

Picture of Biltmore Psychology and Counseling

Biltmore Psychology and Counseling

Biltmore Psychology and Counseling is the practice of the top psychology and counseling professionals in the Phoenix area. We provide exceptional, holistic psychology and counseling services for every person to help them live an extraordinary life.

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