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Disheveled and miserable man with a cup of coffee and a Happy New Year banner in the back

How to Deal With Post-holiday Depression

Post-holiday depression is not an uncommon experience in a “normal” year filled with parties, activities, and many things to get done before the big day. Some studies show that an estimated 25% of Americans suffer from some degree of depression after the holiday. The let down from all the hype is frequently an unpleasant experience.

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Statue in a Cemetery

Coping with Grief After the Sudden Death of a Loved One

There is no form of grief that is “easy” to endure, yet the sudden, unanticipated loss of a loved one can be particularly difficult for individuals and families. Grief and loss challenge our sense of safety, predictability, and feelings of control over our world. Sudden loss challenges these world views in an even more profound way. 

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car accident

How to Cope with PTSD Following a Car Accident

Are you or your partner suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? If so, it may be taking a toll on your marriage, and have both you and your partner feeling disconnected and lost.
In order to take steps toward healing your marriage, it is important to understand how PTSD can affect your relationship, and how counseling can help both the traumatized individual and their spouse.

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Autism Support Groups in Arizona

There are many Autism Support Groups in the Phoenix, AZ Area. We encourage people going through the emotional struggles that come with being a caregivers of children with Autism to reach out to a local support group, confide in close friends or family, or seek counseling.
You are not alone. You CAN find support. Our counselors specialize in counseling for caregivers. Call us today at (480) 999-7070 if you are seeking help.

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